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Quick reference

for faculty and presenters

at the AMWC 2025

14th Armenian Medical World Congress

Madrid Spain 

 flag of Spain    updated 16 Oct 2024

 Dear Faculty, Planners and CME Committee Members for AMWC2025,

What should this Congress look like?  What will attendees take home with them?  Can we make this spectacular?  (If not, then why do it?) 

Can we teach social and networking skills, synergy of thought and vision, in addition to (or in place of) technical skills taught to a very diverse audience with differing educational needs?

When you give your presentation, what's in it for your audience?  How will they use your teaching?  (As a result of this presentation, the audience will ____ ).  How could they connect and work with colleagues as a result of your presentation?


The Mission Statement of the Congress is:

"Our mission at AMWC 2025 is to foster meaningful connections and collaboration between Armenian health professionals and international experts to drive tangible improvements in healthcare for Armenia. Through knowledge exchange, networking, and scientific discourse, we aim to translate cutting-edge medical insights into actionable strategies that enhance healthcare outcomes. By bringing together professionals from both the public and private sectors, we seek to create lasting partnerships and contribute to the sustainable development of Armenia's healthcare system, while also strengthening the global Armenian medical community."

The AMWC2025  Mission Statement outlines some provocative goals for the Congress:  connections, collaboration, exchange, networking, discourse, insights, strategies, bringing together, partnerships, and strengthening the global Armenian medical community.

During your lectures and sessions, keep these goals in mind as you speak to the learners.  What do you want the audience to do with the information you've given them?  Hopefully they can use it to network, collaborate, and build new partnerships and programs.  

I've described this notion in terms of CME concepts and terminology in exaustive detail on a separate web page.  You can read about it in  gruesome detail at but please let me worry about the trivial stuff. I can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by Google voicemail at +1 650-542-8442.  Looking forward to working with you, and especially forward to seeing you in Madrid!

Jerry Manoukian

PS What I'd like from you right now:

1. Financial disclosure form - you may have received this from Lilian, but you can download it HERE.  

2. Details of your presentation, including description of the problem you're trying to fix, and the results you'd like to see as a result of all your efforts.


What I'd like from you eventually:

What would you like to see from the Congress?  How can we make the biggest impact?  How do we engage each other prior to the Congress to present a uniform vision?  How can you express your ideas and experience as a starting point for someone who may be new to the AMIC community, is looking to contribute, but doesn't know where to start?  How can you communicate your project in a way that it inspires and instructs other to do similar?



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